for Channel 4
Hunted is a real-life thriller where 14 ordinary people are sent on the run to see if anyone can truly escape the grid.
As well as the physical strain, the mental torture can take its toll, with the number of tasks involved in hiding becoming overwhelming.
Hunted everywhere
We worked with OMD to come up with as many contextually relevant media spaces as possible with tips on how to stay hidden. In London, a Hunted message was everywhere, seen an average of 32 times per person.
Each message was crafted with the space and audience in mind.

Never leave home
We created contextual display, kindle, and social ads.
Guardian takeover
On the day of TX, we took over the guardian with 3 different executions, each visualising horrible scenarios of what it would be liked to go on the run.
Could you go on the run?
The campaign earned great press coverage including It’s Nice That and picked up multiple awards including gold at the media week awards, marketing week awards and a bronze Cannes Lion.